Welcome to the next level of your solar business.

Are you a solar installer or distributor who’s driven by a constant pursuit of excellence?
We’re here to support you every step of the way, providing everything you need — top-tier materials, expert technical support, and unbeatable prices — to help you deliver unparalleled value to your clients. Together, we’re not just doing business; we’re shaping a world powered by renewables.

Simplify your Solar Project

Your One-stop Solar Shop

Over the years, we have earned official distribution rights through successful professional training and industry order volumes. Through this, we can offer the best prices with helpful, fast support.

Solar Panels

  • Premium quality Tier 1
  • Monocrystalline panels
  • Risen
  • Trina
  • Tongwei

Inverters and Batteries

  • Residential and utility scale
  • Hybrid and on-grid inverters
  • Battery systems
  • Accessories


  • Premium cables, connectors
  • Mounting systems
  • Surge protector
  • Optimizers
  • Smart meters

Expert Assistance

  • Warranty handling
  • Technical support
  • Knowledge center
Register as our partner without any obligations to see full pricelist.

Value added
photovoltaic distributor

Since 2016, our company has been at the forefront of developing and installing solar parks and residential PV systems. With experience from over 4,000 installed systems, we understand the challenges you face daily—and we're here to help you overcome them.

Always competitive prices

As an accredited distributor for top manufacturers, we ensure consistently competitive pricing on the most reputable and well-established brands.

Exceptional support

We support our partners in achieving smooth installations by providing video guides,online workshops, and downloadable documentation.

Extensive warehouse inventory

Maintaining a substantial inventory, we ensure our partners receive immediate and, if required, timely delivery on the installation day. This commitment reflects our dedication to providing efficient and tailored service.

Designated key account manager

A dedicated Key Account Manager supports each of our partners from day one. The advantage lies in their deep understanding of your business, enabling them to offer personalized deals and assist with insights into your order history, ensuring a tailored and efficient experience.


As the official, premium-status distributor of numerous global brands, SolarKit provides the complete material supply for solar systems, from residential to commercial and industrial (C&I) sectors. Wide product selection, 2000 sqm warehouse stock.

Flexible payment & shipping terms

Our registered partners can achieve the most flexible payment and delivery terms, even for individual requests. We offer swift, track&trace service and shipping both domestically and internationally.

Our Company Group
in Numbers

Installed PV-Systems
150 MW+
Developed - sold capacity
EUR turnover 2022-23
Active wholesale partners
2000 m2
Team members

Our Area of Operation

SolarKit Headquarter
1027 Budapest, Henger street 2.

SolarKit Warehouse
1112 Budapest, Repülőtéri street 2A

How to become our Partner?

Fill out the contact form.
Get in Touch
Within 24 hours, your Key Account Manager will reach out to you to understand your unique needs, and then we activate your partner account with full access to our prices.
Placing orders
You can place your order through email, phone or via our webshop. If you need professional assistance in selecting the right products, your dedicated Key Account Manager is at your service anytime.

Business Development

Feel free to reach out to your market’s sales manager!
Are you still hesitating to start a new partnership?

Here’s what our partners are saying about us!

If you're looking for PV supplies, this is a great place.
Flexible, fair, and customer-friendly wholesale partner.
(translation of the original review)
We are in daily contact with them, and I have never been disappointed. We receive full service, both in terms of products and professional expertise! I can recommend them to everyone! Go Solarkit! ;)
(translation of the original review)
They have been our supplier partner for quite some time, and we are completely satisfied with them. They always respond quickly, they have almost everything in stock right away, they are helpful, and they are great people!! I can only recommend them :)
(translation of the original review)
We choose SolarKit due to several main reasons listed below:

1. Simplicity in doing business, making everything look easy
2. Great professional team, always available for any type of questions, but also for a good laugh
3. Reliability
4. Good pricing

Looking forward to continuing and expanding the cooperation!
I've encountered a remarkably customer-centric, friendly, and expert approach. Immediate professional guidance accompanied our product purchases, including valuable recommendations for top-notch tools and equipment. I wholeheartedly recommend it to fellow installers.
(translation of the original review)
Since November 2023, SolarKit and EP PV GmbH have enjoyed a fruitful collaboration facilitated by Mr. Andras Beier. At EP PV GmbH, we've received excellent support from SolarKit, with Mr. Beier personally attending to both technical and commercial matters. His fluency in German ensures efficient and clear communication. The offers and deliveries from SolarKit consistently meet our customer requirements, arriving punctually and fulfilling our expectations in terms of both quality and price. Based on our experience, we wholeheartedly recommend SolarKit to others.
(translation of the original review)

Partner Registration

Why is it worth it to become our partner?

Comprehensive Product Range&Warehouse inventory: SolarKit offers a one-stop-shop experience with a diverse selection of top brands such as Huawei, Solax, Longi, Trina, Jinko, Risen, and more, readily available for immediate delivery.
Competitive Pricing: As Huawei Gold distributor partner and accredited distributor for other leading manufacturers, SolarKit ensures consistently competitive prices.
Support & Knowledge center for smooth installations: We provide exceptional support to partners through video guides, online workshops, and downloadable documentation.
Dedicated Key Account Manager: Each partner benefits from personalized support with a dedicated Key Account Manager who understands their business, offering tailored deals and insights into order history.
Positive Partnerships: Testimonials from active partners highlight the customer-centric, friendly, and expert approach of SolarKit.
Simple Partnership Process: The process of becoming a partner is streamlined, followed by Quick registration, easy order placement, and efficient logistics support.

Still have Questions?

We've gathered the most frequently asked questions along with our answers.

Registrirajte se z vašimi podatki o podjetju na naši B2B spletni trgovini ali pošljite e-pošto na b2b@solar-kit.eu. Naši sodelavci vas bodo kontaktirali.


Nudimo izobraževanje, pomoč pri načrtovanju namestitve in usposabljanje. Celoten material za solarne sisteme lahko dobite pri enem samem veleprodajnem dobavitelju.

Naše podjetje je mednarodno sledljivo in smo uradni distributer za več globalno uveljavljenih blagovnih znamk, vključno s komponentami za solarne sisteme, kot so inverterji, baterije in sončne plošče.

Naše znižane cene za preprodajalce so na voljo izključno PV distributerjem, B2B strankam in partnerjem, specializiranim za solarne in toplotne črpalke.

Naša B2B spletna trgovina nudi ažurne informacije o cenah, popustih in razpoložljivosti. Če izdelek ni na zalogi, lahko zahtevate obvestilo ob ponovni dobavi.

Ponujamo popuste na dostavo in količino na podlagi individualnih dogovorov. Kontaktirajte naše sodelavce.

Smo v tesnih odnosih z različnimi prevozniškimi in logističnimi podjetji. Večinoma dostavljamo znotraj Evrope, lahko pa organiziramo dostavo tudi izven Evrope. Zagotavljamo cenovno ugodno dostavo brez dodatnih stroškov.

Po oddaji naročila pošljemo račun (PI) po e-pošti in lahko nadaljujemo z dostavo ali sprostitvijo blaga po poravnavi. Za naše uveljavljene partnerje so na voljo daljši plačilni pogoji po individualnem dogovoru. Naše kreditno zavarovanje zagotavlja Allianz.

Zaradi velikega povpraševanja lahko naročene izdelke hranimo le omejen čas. Če naročilo ni prevzeto v določenem roku v pogodbi, se obračuna strošek skladiščenja.

Oddaja naročila preko B2B spletne trgovine je najhitrejša, hitro pa se odzivamo tudi na povpraševanja prek Vibera, WhatsAppa in e-pošte.

b2b@solar-kit.eu ali vaš Key Account Manager, s katerim ste v stiku.

Našim partnerjem nudimo podporo pri uveljavljanju garancije. Za pogoje kontaktirajte naše sodelavce na b2b@solar-kit.eu.

Z našimi obsežnimi odnosi s proizvajalci lahko izpolnimo posebne zahteve. Sporočite nam, kaj potrebujete.

Through our extensive manufacturer relationships, we can fulfill unique requests.
Let us know what you need.